

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v3.0.0!

10 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v3.0.0 has been released! v3.0 includes Shattered’s second new playable character! The Cleric is a divine spellcaster who learns a...

Status Update: v3.0 Coming Soon!

1 minute read

Hey everyone, happy Valentines day! Back in December I estimated that v3.0 would be gearing up to release in late January or early February, so it’s time for...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2025

6 minute read

Hey Rat Punchers, happy new year once again! After a bit of a holiday break, I’m back to work on Shattered Pixel Dungeon, which includes laying out some plan...

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Coming Soon to Shattered: The Cleric!

5 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v3.0.0 and the Cleric are finally ready for beta! In this blog post I’m going to share more details about the Cleric! Just as with the Dueli...

Coming Soon to Shattered: A Sixth Hero!

5 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers! Progress has been made on the next major update to Shattered Pixel Dungeon, and it’s finally time for me to start showing some things off! v...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0!

13 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.5.0 has been released! v2.5.0 includes a total overhaul to the journal, some new trinkets, and tonnes of smaller tweaks and bal...

Ten Years of Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

8 minute read

On this day, 10 years ago, I released Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.1.0. This tiny initial release was my first serious attempt at gamedev and was distributed t...

Coming Soon to Shattered: A Journal Overhaul!

5 minute read

Hey Adventurers, July is coming to an end and I owe you guys an update! Unfortunately, I’m going to miss my earlier estimate of a beta during July. This is m...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0!

11 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.4.0 has been released! v2.4.0 features a new category of item: trinkets! They are more about tweaking gameplay variables than g...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Trinkets!

4 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers! After some disruptions back in February and March, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 is finally ready for beta! Read on for more details about ...

Status Update: v2.4.0

1 minute read

Hey Rat Punchers, You may remember that when v2.3.0 released I gave a rough ETA of ‘early to mid March’ when it came to hearing back from me on v2.4.0. Well,...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.3.0!

8 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.3.0 has been released! v2.3.0 includes a second gnoll-themed variant for the new caves quest! There are also some smaller item ...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2024

6 minute read

Happy New Year rat punchers! I’m back with some news about v2.3.0 and my plans for the year ahead! This post starts with a year in review, and then lists the...

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Coming Soon to Shattered: The Gnoll Caves Quest!

4 minute read

The second variant of the new caves quest is now ready for beta! In this post I’m going to go over what this new quest area entails, and also share some othe...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.2.0!

3 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.2.0 has been released! v2.2.0 includes a brand new quest in the caves, almost 20 minutes of new music, and substantial improvem...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.1.0!

2 minute read

v2.1.0 includes a bunch of Duelist balance changes, three new weapons, two new exotic enemies, and a bunch of big and small tweaks and bugfixes.

ShatteredPD is now available on GOG and Itch!

1 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, As of today, there are two more options for getting Shattered Pixel Dungeon on computers! Shattered is now available on and,...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.0.0!

3 minute read

v2.0.0 includes Shattered’s first ever new playable character! The Duelist is a melee weapons specialist who has a unique ability for every weapon in the gam...

Coming Soon to Shattered: The Duelist!

4 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v2.0 is finally ready for beta! In this blog post I’m going to share some more details Shattered’s first new hero! Right now the Duelist her...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2023

6 minute read

Just as with previous years, I’m writing a blog post at the start of 2023 to summarize my longer-term plans for Shattered Pixel Dungeon! This post starts wit...

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Coming Soon to Shattered: A New Hero!

4 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers! v2.0.0 is unfortunately still a little ways off, but I am far enough into development that I’ve got a bunch of details to share! While there...

Presenting at Roguelike Celebration 2022!

1 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers! I’ll be giving a presentation at Roguelike Celebration 2022 on Oct 23rd at 4:15pm EST. The presentation is titled ‘Smoothing the Sharp Edges...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v1.4.0!

2 minute read

v1.4.0 is focused on new in-game lore and loads of other miscellaneous improvements. There are 30 pages of story text to find, a new ring, various reworks, a...

Status Update: v1.4.0

2 minute read

Hey Folks, I’m making a quick status update blog post as my plans for v1.4.0 have changed a bit, and so the information I gave when I released v1.3.0 is no l...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v1.3.0!

3 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v1.3.0 has been released! v1.3.0 includes a variety of additions and improvements, including a new scoring system, custom seeds and daily ru...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Badges and Ascension!

4 minute read

Greetings Dungeoneers! After some delays, v1.3.0 is finally ready to go to beta! In this post I’m going to detail some more of the new content coming to Shat...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Seeded Runs!

5 minute read

I’ve got some news to share about v1.3’s development! I’ve implement support for custom seeds, a new scoring system, and a few other miscellaneous changes. H...

Shattered’s Soundtrack is now available!

1 minute read

Over the last few updates Shattered’s soundtrack has slowly grown from having just two tracks for the entire game to having an entire soundtrack with 20 minu...

ShatteredPD v1.2.0 and Steam Release!

4 minute read

v1.2.0 is the first version of Shattered built for computers! After almost eight years of development, Shattered Pixel Dungeon is available for purchase on S...

ShatteredPD will be at Steam Next Fest!

4 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, I’ve got some news to share on the Steam release! Development has been progressing well, and Shattered Pixel Dungeon will be participating i...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2022

9 minute read

Just as with previous years, I’m writing a blog post at the start of 2022 to summarize my longer-term plans for Shattered Pixel Dungeon! This post starts wit...

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Shattered Pixel Dungeon v1.1.0!

2 minute read

v1.1.0 contains various improvements to the alchemy system and the items it produces, and a music track for each region of the game! There are a few new spel...

Coming Soon to Shattered: More Music and Magic!

4 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v1.1.0 is finally ready for beta! Now that v1.1.0 is content complete, I’m going to share some more details about the game content changes c...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon is Coming to Steam!

4 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, I’ve got some more exciting news, Shattered Pixel Dungeon is coming to Steam in early 2022! I’m moving so quickly on this due to a mix of th...

ShatteredPD v1.0.0 and iOS release!

4 minute read

v1.0.0 is here! v1.0.0 contains a variety of content additions and refinements. There is new music, support for new platforms, new alchemy recipes, and a few...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon is coming to iOS!

3 minute read

That’s right, after being requested since 2015, partly in the works since 2019, and becoming a major focus in 2021, Shattered Pixel Dungeon is finally coming...

Saying Goodbye to Android 2.3 Gingerbread

5 minute read

v0.9.3 will be the last version of Shattered Pixel Dungeon to support Android 2.3 and 3. I wanted to write a little blog post to summarize why this is happen...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.9.3!

2 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v0.9.3 has been released! v0.9.3 redesigns hero armor abilities and adds a fourth tier to the talent system! There are 13 abilities and 40 n...

Status Update: v0.9.3

1 minute read

Hey Folks, I’m making a quick ‘status update’ blog post as I’ve been getting lots of questions about when v0.9.3 is releasing. Unfortunately I’ve had to dela...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.9.2!

2 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v0.9.2 has been released! v0.9.2 adds the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant ...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Tier Three Talents!

5 minute read

v0.9.2 is just about ready for primetime now, and I’ve for a bunch of details to share about it! The most significant addition is of course tier three talent...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2021

8 minute read

For the third year in a row, I’m going to share an overview of my longer-term plans for Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

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Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.9.1!

2 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v0.9.1 has been released! v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier of tale...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Tier Two Talents!

7 minute read

After a bit longer in development than I thought, v0.9.1 and tier two talents are ready for beta testing! In this blog I’m going to go over the major changes...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Levelgen Refinements!

5 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v0.9.1 is progressing nicely, so it’s time for me to share one of the two major things I’m working on for it! In addition to new talents (mo...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.9.0!

2 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v0.9.0 has been released! v0.9.0 is the first in a series of updates that will introduce and build upon a new gameplay system! As your hero ...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Talented Heroes!

7 minute read

I’ve been teasing this for a while now. A little bit way back in 2019, and in earnest since the beginning of this year. So, it’s finally time for me to talk ...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.8.2!

2 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, v0.8.2 has been released! v0.8.2 includes major interface improvements & additions, a new equipment slot for rings/artifacts, and a bunc...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Improved Interfaces!

5 minute read

v0.8.2 is primarily focused on some big interface improvements, as well as some smaller tweaks to game balance and mechanics. The title menu has been cleaned...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.8.1!

1 minute read

v0.8.1 includes some major audiovisual upgrades in the form of new sounds effect and a redesigned hero select featuring fully detailed splash art! There are ...

Coming Soon to Shattered: New Sights and Sounds

7 minute read

v0.8.1 is filled with followups to v0.8.0, and a bunch of medium-large sized features that I’ve been wanting to get into the game for quite a while. There ar...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.8.0!

1 minute read

0.8.0 totally overhauls enemies and bosses in the middle and late stages of the game! Expect lots more enemy diversity and fresh new challenges as you explor...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Better Bosses!

10 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, long time no see! Over the last four months I’ve been steadily working on the beta for 0.8.0. There haven’t been any life events that caused...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2020

12 minute read

Just like last year, I’ve decided to do a blog post talking about my longer-term plans for the game! For 2020 I want my core focus to be making some big game...

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Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.7.5!

less than 1 minute read

0.7.5 significantly improves and expands on enemies in the first two regions of the game! There are three new enemies, and the first two bosses have both rec...

Coming Soon to Shattered: New Foes!

4 minute read

0.7.5 is the first in a series of two updates that are aimed at improving and expanding the enemies within the dungeon. In 0.7.5, I’m expanding the early sta...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.7.4!

less than 1 minute read

0.7.4 is focused around improving allies and ally-generating items. There are 2 new ally-creating wands, improvements to ally AI, and improvements to various...

Coming Soon to Shattered: New Friends!

4 minute read

Hey Dungeoneers, the next Shattered update is coming soon, here’s what to expect! 0.7.4 is primarily focused on improving existing allies and adding new ones.

Saying Goodbye to Android 2.2 Froyo

6 minute read

I’ve got a slightly different blog post for you this time. v0.7.3 is the last version of Shattered Pixel Dungeon which will support Android 2.2 Froyo, so I t...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Alchemy Streamlining!

3 minute read

Hey Folks, remember that 2019 blog post? Well, I’m getting the first item crossed off that list right now! 0.7.2 is going to be a grab-bag of various improve...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2019

12 minute read

Hey folks, it’s a new year, and a new website! I have moved on from Tumblr, and brought all of the previous blog posts with me. Things may shift around here ...

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Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.7.1!

less than 1 minute read

0.7.1 completely reworks the huntress, as well as expands thrown weapons, and adds some nice quality of life tweaks!

Coming Soon to Shattered: The Huntress Rework!

6 minute read

Well it’s been a long time coming hasn’t it? The 3 other classes of Shattered PD have all received gameplay reworks, and it’s finally coming time for the hun...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.7.0!

1 minute read

0.7.0 turns alchemy into a full-bore consumable crafting system, with over 60 new items and over 100 recipes total! This represents the largest content drop ...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Advanced Alchemy

7 minute read

Hey Everyone! Despite delays, we are now getting close to the release of 0.7.0! I’m afraid I can’t commit to a release date just yet, but late this month see...

Coming Soon to Shattered: Runestones!

3 minute read

Shattered 0.7.0 is currently in development, and it is going to be a very substantial consumable overhaul update! This is a huge milestone, as it marks the l...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.6.5

less than 1 minute read

0.6.5 is all about armor variety, as well as a attempt to balance the berserker. There are also a few smaller balance adjustments, including lots of improvem...

Coming Soon to Shattered: More Armor Variety!

5 minute read

The dynamic between armor and weapons has always been slanted toward weapons in ShatteredPD. Prior to 0.4.1, upgrading armor past a certain minimum was a ter...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.6.4

less than 1 minute read

0.6.4 features improvements to several mechanics, and to game balance. Most significantly, challenges have been improved, every hero starts with a bag, and t...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.6.3

less than 1 minute read

0.6.3 has a bunch of various changes and improvements, with the biggest thing being a total rework to ranged weapons.

Coming Soon to Shattered: New Ranged Weapons!

5 minute read

Hey Folks, I hope 2018 is going for well for you all so far. It’s finally time for me to share some progress on 0.6.3! Sadly, I’ve been very busy the last tw...

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Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.6.2

1 minute read

0.6.2 contains a rework to the rogue class and an overhaul to all of the dungeon’s secrets!

Coming Soon to Shattered: Better Traps

4 minute read

In this blog I’m going to be talking all about traps in ShatteredPD! You may recall that in the last blog I mentioned I would be talking about secrets, howev...

Coming Soon to Shattered: The Rogue Rework!

5 minute read

0.6.2 is the first update with new content focused on taking advantage of the levelgen overhaul from 0.6.0. All the hidden secrets in the dungeon are getting...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.6.1

2 minute read

0.6.1 brings with it numerous balance tweaks and improvements, as well as an overhauled journal system!

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Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.4.3!

less than 1 minute read

0.4.3 is in many ways a followup to 0.4.2, featuring more technical and QoL improvements, and behind the scenes changes that’ll let me do more cool things in...

Shattered Pixel Dugeon v0.4.1: Balance Changes

3 minute read

0.4.1 is aimed at making a number of balance and QOL improvements in a post equipment rework game. Wands and armor are much more useful, several items have b...

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Regarding Degradation

less than 1 minute read

So degradation is pretty controversial, but I can appreciate why Watabou added it to the base game, he wrote a blog on it which you should read.

Donations in Shattered Pixel Dungeon

6 minute read

Since I started making Shattered Pixel Dungeon my intention has always been for it to be as true to the original game as possible, that includes the moral st...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.1.0

less than 1 minute read

So this is that content I was mentioning, a full fork on the recently open-source android game Pixel Dungeon!

First Post!

less than 1 minute read

So after 3 long years of inactivity, Shattered Pixel returns!

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